Haitians in remote areas are resourceful and use the materials available to build shelter for their families.
The homes often have one or two rooms, with an open fire for cooking. Running water and electricity are not available in the villages where Haiti H2O partners.
Frequent hurricanes and earthquakes take their toll on these shelters.
Major hurricanes and earthquakes have damaged or destroyed homes in and around our partner communities. Haiti H2O funds construction for new houses to be built with materials that will better withstand the weather in Haiti.
Our Approach
Local Leadership
Each partner community assembles a committee to identify and prioritize home repair needs. Often, church leaders will organize a konbit to help complete parts of the project.
The homeowner contributes by providing the land and by helping with construction if they are able. Participation affirms the dignity of those receiving assistance, so material poverty is not made worse by feelings of shame and helplessness.
Staff in Haiti
Our staff work with local contractors to set a budget for home repairs and construction. They help source materials and provide regular updates and reports on each home.
Community members work together (Haitians call it a konbit) to help the owner complete the project. In the case of Madame Denot’s home, the community came out to help carry the foundation rocks up the hillside to her property.
Your gifts help our partners build homes that are sturdy, safe, and will last for many years.
“Men anpil, chay pa lou.”
Many hands make light work.