Alternative Gifts

Your gift helps to empower rural Haitians!

Click below to see what your gift can do in rural Haiti

Give the gift of hope in honor of a loved one

In gratitude, we will provide a card showing the impact that has been made in their name.

Gifts of $100 or more will be sent a card as well as a hammered steel ornament made by Haitian artisans.

*Gifts purchased after Dec. 20th will receive a card after Christmas*

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Give the gift of livestock!

Haiti H2O invests in the projects that our partners in Haiti identify and prioritize. The gifts outlined above represent possible areas where your donation will make a difference in rural Haiti. As our partner communities continue to plan and implement projects, we understand that new needs and priorities may be identified as circumstances change. Be assured that Haiti H2O will honor your generosity by directing your gift to projects that empower local leaders to address the needs and advance their communities toward self-sufficiency.

Please email Jane Banfield Hicks at if you have any questions.

Haiti H2O: Hope to Opportunity is a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation and is a federal tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity. Donations made to the corporation are tax deductible as charitable contributions to the extent allowable.