Purchase Singing Rooster Coffee through Haiti H2O!

Coffee has been a principal crop in Haiti since the early 1800’s, marking it as a backbone of the early Haitian economy. Today, many independent farmers still utilize the tropical environment to continue its production.

All the coffee produced in Haiti is high-quality arabica, making the finest gourmet Haitian coffee.

Singing Rooster is a social enterprise nonprofit working shoulder to shoulder with small coffee and cacao producers in Haiti, connecting farmers with the rest of the world.

Pittsburgh Residents!

Our next wholesale order will be put in on February 21st.
Get your order in now!

If you live in Pittsburgh, use the button below:

You will be taken to our wholesale ordering page to compete your purchase.

Do you live outside of Pittsburgh and want to have coffee shipped to you?

Our partner link with Singing Rooster is down right now. Please use the form to send your name and email to us so we can help get you what you need.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you for supporting farmers and artists in Haiti!